Setting up Backblaze B2

Configuring bucket

To better protect your backups, set file visibility to private and enable encryption on your bucket.

For data integrity, consider adding object lock on files in your bucket, but be wary of implications - locked objects can't be deleted until after they expire.

Generating application key

Once you have created your bucket, head over to the App Keys page and generate a new application key. Give it the least amount of permissions needed, namely:

  • Restrict access to a single bucket only
  • Do not allow List Buckets permission


You can choose to organize your backups in a folder by specifying the prefix in the dashboard.

Access keys

Key ID and Application Key are both encrypted at rest with a separate layer of encryption.

Application Key can't be changed after creation.

S3-compatible object storage

You can use the Backblaze B2 interface to store your backups in S3-compatible object storage providers, such as MinIO, Selectel, Storj, and others.

Enter your Access Key into the "Key ID" field and the Secret Access Key into the "Application key" field.

If you need help setting up your Backblaze B2 account or with anything else, feel free to reach out.